Strings that are not UTF-8 encoded will be dumped as base64 encoded binary data.
Added support for dumping multi line strings as literal blocks.
Added support for parsing base64 encoded binary data when they are tagged with the
tag.Added support for parsing timestamps as
Yaml::parse('2001-12-15 21:59:43.10 -5', Yaml::PARSE_DATETIME);
objects are dumped as YAML timestamps.Deprecated usage of
at the beginning of an unquoted string.Added support for customizing the YAML parser behavior through an optional bit field:
Yaml::parse('{ "foo": "bar", "fiz": "cat" }', Yaml::PARSE_EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_TYPE | Yaml::PARSE_OBJECT | Yaml::PARSE_OBJECT_FOR_MAP);
- Added support for customizing the dumped YAML string through an optional bit field:
Yaml::dump(array('foo' => new A(), 'bar' => 1), 0, 0, Yaml::DUMP_EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_TYPE | Yaml::DUMP_OBJECT);
- Yaml::parse() now throws an exception when a blackslash is not escaped in double-quoted strings
- Deprecated usage of a colon in an unquoted mapping value
- Deprecated usage of @, `, | and > at the beginning of an unquoted string
- When surrounding strings with double-quotes, you must now escape
characters. Not escaping those characters (when surrounded by double-quotes) is deprecated.
class: "Foo\Var"
class: "Foo\\Var"
- Yaml::parse() does not evaluate loaded files as PHP files by default anymore (call Yaml::enablePhpParsing() to get back the old behavior)